UNISON Northern Ireland

UNISON NI Launches Campaign for Education Workers!

Following on from the statement by the new Education Minister  where he said

“I am committed to resolving the issues around the business case and will be bidding for additional funding in Executive’s Budget 2024-25 to enable the recommendations from the pay and grading review to be implemented.”

UNISON have launched a campaign to win broad political and public support for pay improvement.

Now that a new public services budget for Northern Ireland will be on the politicians agenda in the coming  weeks our UNISON Education activist team will be visiting workplaces  to encourage members to participate in the campaign. Our teams will be active in communities seeking support from the public especially from parents of school going children. The high quality delivery of  support for school going children requires e retention of skilled and committed staff. 

We will ensure the members message message goes directly to the Minister  and all MLAS  from all political parties holding seats  on the Assembly Education committee.

Watch out for activity in your workplace ,town and community on our campaign.