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This week a local GP was in the news after telling patients to “go private” for health care treatment. UNISON Regional Organiser Joe McCusker joined the debate on Radio Ulster.

UUSU is planning to privatise catering facilities across their campuses in a move that will save money but cost staff.

The Supporting People Programme provides vulnerable people with support to live independently in the community, including through the provision of specialist housing or hostels.  The Programme supports at least 19,000 people every year.

Just Another Day survey

Crisis level staffing has become normal across the NHS.

Speaking after his meeting with Theresa May in Downing Street this morning, UNISON general secretary Dave Prentis said a 'no deal' must be avoided at all costs.

Patricia King, General Secretary of ICTU has responded to the rejection of the draft Withdrawal Agreement negotiated between the UK government and the EU in the House of Commons on Tuesday 15th January 2019.

Welfare Reform mitigations must continue, but the core problem must be addressed.

A bursary has been set up in memory of Lukasz Karpinski, who died in October 2017. Lukasz worked alongside trade unions and with ICTU in Belfast running their Migrant Workers Project.

Following updates on Universal Credit, UNISON general secretary Dave Prentis has welcomed the U-turn, but says the two-child limit should go for everyone.

Belfast City Hospital are hosting their first Café Menopause next Monday the 14th of January.

