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Tar Isteach poster

Tar Isteach is running two public information sessions this month about Universal Credit.



A collective statement has been released from Trade Union Joint Secretaries, Anne Speed, Kevin McCabe and Janice Smyth, and Trade Union Chairperson Kevin McAdam.

Are you a budding artist aged 12-21? Design a poster for International Women's Day and you could win £100!

Our Health Heroes award winner

Belfast ward housekeeper and UNISON member Margaret Canavan is named ‘operational support worker of the year’ at a prestigious awards ceremony.

Following on from the Branch Officer Elections held in October we are pleased to welcome our new 2018/2019 branch committee members.

Worried about paying your Winter Fuel Bill? Get help staying warm this winter. With rising fuel costs and another cold winter many members are worried about how they’re going to pay this year’s winter fuel bills.

Statement from Brian Ferguson, Regional Organiser, UNISON


The UNISON regional Health Committee met 04/12/18 to receive an update from negotiators on pay discussions with the Department of Health and the HSC employers.

Imminent Closure of Drumclay Care Home – UNISON calls on Western Health Trust to ‘Do the Right Thing’.

Anne Speed UNISON lead negotiator for health unions in Northern Ireland expressed no surprise that the pay cap has been lifted by the Department of Finance.  The cap had already been breached in England Scotland and Wales as a result of a 3 year pay deal.
