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UNISON has written to the Education Authority setting out serious concerns on media stories on developments in EA cleaning services.

The release of invoices to schools which indicate increase in the cost of provision of these cleaning services comes at a time of budget cuts for schools.

UNISON has raised several questions on this development and has warned that any detrimental effects on job security or terms and conditions will be resisted.

We have also written to teaching trade unions urging their support for sustainable EA cleaning services.

UNISON members on EA contracts in EDUCATION will be asked before the new school year to consider forms of industrial action to secure movement on the long promised pay and grading review. Watch out for contact from UNISON.

In the meantime, we are aware that Unite union have notified the EA of industrial action by their membership on Thursday June 15th. 

Along with other unions representing staff in EA support services, Nipsa and the GMB, we in UNISON believe that all unions should step out together.

UNISON, the largest health union in the Southern Trust, outlines their major concerns at the Southern Trust Board meeting today regarding the crisis in services in Daisy Hill Hospital.

Today, Thursday 25th May 2023 a delegation from UNISON, the health union and the largest union in the Southern Trust, addressed the Southern Trust Board at it’s meeting in Newry.

Speaking today after a meeting of trade unions from all sectors of our economy, ICTU Assistant General Secretary Gerry Murphy said:

“Every single day brings the announcement of another salami slice of misery from government departments or a public body for the people of Northern Ireland.

While  RCN nurse members protest at an absent Stormont executive, nurse members of UNISON continue on industrial action short of strike.

Since December thousands of other health staff have been joined by nursing staff in the union's ongoing campaign to win pay justice. 

UNISON notes media reports today (15th May 2023) that the Department of Health intends to reduce the number of nursing student places in Northern Ireland by 300. Responding to this, UNISON Head of Bargaining and Representation Anne Speed, said:

‘‘UNISON will oppose a move to reduce nursing student places. Our members will be left deeply disappointed and frustrated by any reduction in graduate training places, when the clear message from them is that we need more nurses working within our health service to care for patients.

Workers at one of Northern Ireland’s largest providers of recycling services, Bryson Recycling, are to take strike action this coming Friday 5th May. Supported by their trade union, UNISON, Drivers and Kerbside Loaders are taking strike action in a dispute over pay.

UNISON Regional Organiser, Joe McCusker, says; “our members in Bryson Recycling are asking for a fair day's pay for a fair day's work. They want their pay to reflect the value of the work they do. Bryson Recycling should be paying these workers a fair and decent wage.”

UNISON rally at Belfast City Hall




In response to the budget for Northern Ireland announcement, UNISON has warned that health workers will not be used as political leverage in the ongoing efforts to restore the Assembly and Executive. 


"It is unconscionable that health staff in need of pay justice and protection against inflation can be used in this way", declared Anne Speed, UNISON Head of Bargaining and Representation in Northern Ireland.


UNISON Causeway Branch is holding a public meeting on Tuesday 2nd May 2023 in The Lodge Hotel, Coleraine at 7.00pm to demonstrate their opposition to the Northern Trust’s decision to move all births from the Causeway Hospital in Coleraine to Antrim Area Hospital. Speaking on this decision, UNISON Branch Secretary Kim Hall has said “we are really concerned about the impact this will have on our community. It is a very worrying time for local people and for our members.

UNISON is in mourning at the death of our own Pamela Dooley - an inspirational and utterly determined trade union leader.

As our Head of Organising, Pamela helped UNISON to grow to the largest union in Northern Ireland.   Along the way she touched the lives of thousands of workers and their families.  We owe her a great debt.
