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UNISON Omagh/Fermanagh Branch presented £710 to charity AWARE to support people living with depression from Funds raised at their annual Pink Party. 


UNISON is calling for a Departmental review of the overall policy delivering Youth  Services across Northern Ireland ‎and is insisting that this be commenced without delay.

Susan Neill,  UNISON Area Organiser working with youth workers in the Belfast area said:

‘Tomorrow Friday 7th April at 6pm we will be joining a youth workers protest at the Rosario Youth Centre, Ormeau Road, Belfast.

There is an absurd notion that home care workers can provide care to some of the most vulnerable in a 15 minute slot. This includes washing them, making them a nutritious meal and giving them their medication. Some care workers are scheduled to care for someone every 15 minutes without travel time being factored in. We need to push for Trusts to take care back in house and sign up to UNISON's ethical care charter. 


UNISON can reveal that the Northern Ireland Housing Executive (NIHE) has recently been advised by the Department for Communities (DfC) to plan for a 5% reduction in funding for Supporting People Programmes for the 2017/18 financial year. UNISON understands that the NIHE will defer the cuts initially and then reduce funding by 6.5%.

Supporting People provides support to assist people to live independently in the community in a residential setting.  This includes help and support to people with disabilities, older people and young vulnerable people to name a few.

UNISON Head of Bargaining and Representation in the Health sector, Anne Speed‎ has responded with alarm to the news from the Southern Health Trust that services at the Emergency Department are to be curtailed.

She said “we are only too well aware of staff shortages right across the Health service and we know that on a given day last week there were 38 patients waiting for beds at Daisyhill Hospital.”

UNISON's Northern Ireland Health Committee has reacted with strong criticism of the Pay Review’s recommendation for a1% uplift for NHS workers.

All information on how to register and more at the NISCC website



On Monday 20th February UNISON members joined the “1 Day Witout Us” celebration.

1 Day Without Us was a UK wide initiative that emerged following the EU referendum, to celebrate the contribution of migrants. It coincided with UN World Day of Social Justice and was also marked by a mass lobby in Westminster to ensure EU migrants’ rights were not used as bargaining chips in the Brexit negotiations.

Locally we had very positive events in various hospitals (RVH, Antrim and Craigavon) as well as an ICTU joined event outside city hall in Belfast.

The theme of International Women's Day 2017 is Peace, Solidarity and Sustenance #IWD17NI

Every year we celebrate International Women's Day to mark political, economic, social and cultural gains of women while highlighting the continued fight for equality. 
