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UNISON NI condemns the horrific violent government reaction, mounting death toll and growing numbers of 'disappeared' in Colombia in response to trade union organised protests.

UNISON welcomes today’s announcement by the Minister of Health, Robin Swann MLA, where he has indicated he intends to establish a Social Care Fair Work Forum to include HSC bodies, trade unions and employers. Commenting on the Minister’s announcement, UNISON Regional Secretary Patricia McKeown said: 

The theme for International Nurses’ Day this year is ‘A voice to lead – a vision for future healthcare’. Celebrate the day by joining our live event and sharing your story below.

The COVID-19 pandemic has shown more than ever before the brilliance of our nursing family. Nurses have shown leadership at all levels of our health and care services to meet the extraordinary demands of the pandemic.

As the biggest trade union in healthcare, UNISON wants our branches and members to help us demonstrate how our nursing family have led during the pandemic.

A new leaflet has been produced for all health branches to encourage overseas nurses to join UNISON.

The leaflet informs potential members of support available through UNISON membership and highlights UNISON’s contribution to improving the application process.

In addition, the leaflet contains quotes, contributions and photos of UNISON members who have come to live in the UK and work in the NHS.

The leaflet can be viewed and downloaded by clicking the icon below:

The Belfast & District Trades Union Council and the Derry Trades Union Council will be running two separate programmes of online events for their May Day celebrations. You can download the programmes using the icons below.

UNISON will take part in an event on Thursday 6th May at 7pm titled Celebrating Trade Union Victories How We Won! discussing the successful health workers strike in November 2019 - January 2020. You can attend the event on zoom HERE

UNISON notes that Wednesday 28th April is International Worker’s Memorial Day. UNISON, together with other trade unions, have called on the observance of a minute’s silence at 11am. We have the full support of the Health Trusts.

Commenting on this, UNISON Regional Organiser, Nuala Conlon, said:

Commenting today (1st April) as UNISON members across all HSC Trusts join with NHS staff across the UK in calling for a decent pay rise as part of the One Team 2k campaign, UNISON Northern Ireland Head of Bargaining and Representation Anne Speed said:

“It may be April 1st, but UNISON members rights across Northern Ireland are saying loud and clear that they won’t be taken for fools. The 1% funding by the UK Government is a bad joke that is no laughing matter.

The Workplace Health Leadership Group NI is hosting a series of webinars focused on mental health in the workplace.

Each week, they will be collaborating with renowned mental health professionals, who will be sharing their

experiences from various perspectives and addressing key questions involving employee mental wellbeing.

Every Thursday from 15th April to the 13th May, 2.30pm - 4pm

Read the full programme details here.

Health Trade Unions welcome the announcement regarding the extension of the removal of car parking charges for health workers.

This is especially welcome in light of the ongoing efforts and time spent by staff in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic.

In welcoming this move, Trade Unions believe this must be the time to reconsider the approach to staff parking charges in its entirety.

Commenting today (25th March) on the announcement that the Scottish government has made a pay offer to NHS staff in Scotland, UNISON Northern Ireland Head of Bargaining and Representation Anne Speed said: 
“This shows where there’s a political will, there’s most definitely a way.  
