UNISON Northern Ireland

UNISON Press Release

UNISON Northern Health Branch has welcomed the Trust's decision to review their position in respect of non-clinical office cleaning.

On Friday the 5th of April correspondence was issued to Stephanie Greenwood, UNISON Chairperson and Chair of Trade Union Side for the NHSCT, which stated:

“Acknowledging the representations made from and on behalf of staff, the Trust is withdrawing the memo dated 7th March 2019 which notified staff that cleaning services were being withdrawn from admin areas. We are reviewing the position in respect of non-clinical office cleaning and will discuss this further with our Trade Union colleagues in due course.”

UNISON’s chairperson engaged in a series of talks with the Trust when this issue came to light recently without consultation and is now pleased to update members within the Northern Trust that their voices have been heard.

Stephanie Greenwood stated: “This outcome is evidence that standing together within UNISON gives everyone a stronger voice.”

UNISON will continue to talk to the Trust and ensure our members’ views are heard.

For further information contact:

Stephanie Greenwood 07725987317
Nicky Shaw 078254109