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UNISON demands explanation from Board of Education Authority for blocking LGBT+ staff forum.

UNISON health workers representing their colleagues across the Northern Ireland Health and Social Services system took their call to end an NHS pay deficit to the Treasury and Parliament in London today.

Anne Speed, our Head of Bargaining and Representation, has issued a joint statement alongside other trade union joint secretaries on pay discussions for health workers.

Delegates from Northern Ireland attended UNISON's National Delegate Conference in Liverpool in June.

Jamie Coyle, from Northern Health branch, spoke about access to facility time at UNISON’s National Delegate Conference in Liverpool last week.

Today the Trades Union Congress (TUC) have launched their campaign on sexual harassment, including a call for a new legal duty requiring employers to take all reasonable steps to prevent sexual harassment in the workplace.

Our retired members gathered this morning outside BBC offices in Northern Ireland to protest against TV licence fees for over-75s.

UNISON’s National Executive Council (NEC) has elected Josie Bird, a local government worker from Newcastle, as president at the union’s annual national conference in Liverpool.

‘A decade of austerity has ravaged social care’, conference delegates are told.

Speakers talk of the devastation caused by Conservative attacks on benefits and the most vulnerable in society
