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UNISON are delighted to have won the Pride Ally Award at the Belfast Pride Awards 2019.

NIAS UNISON Branch has released an update to its members on Agenda for Change.  

The three largest local government unions, representing 1.4 million employees in schools and councils across England, Wales and Northern Ireland have submitted a pay claim that attempts to reverse the real terms pay cuts suffered by local authority staff since 2010.

UNISON are hosting and supporting a number of events across Northern Ireland to celebrate this year's Pride. 

UNISON members and healthcare workers gathered at Altnagelvin Area Hospital today to demand an end to the pay gap for NHS staff in Northern Ireland.

Representatives from branches in Northern Ireland joined UNISON colleagues at the annual Durham Miners’ Gala, where general secretary Dave Prentis called for properly-funded public services.

Today members of our Greenpark Branch gathered alongside healthcare workers at Musgrave Park Hospital to call for an end to the pay gap for NHS staff here in Northern Ireland.

Do you work in schools? UNISON has a partnership to help you.

The Irish Congress of Trade Unions held their Biennial Delegate Conference in Dublin this week.

Last week Fidelma Carolan, UNISON NI Regional Organiser, spoke to Stephen Nolan about LGBT+ staff networks.
