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23 June 2017
As UNISON prepares to gather with trade union members at work in Northern Ireland at a specially convened meeting on 
Saturday 24 June, Anne Speed, Head of Bargaining and Representation pledged full support for a call from the Northern Ireland Committee of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions for a united strategy and campaign to secure resources, achieve better pay and defend workers against more austerity.

UNISON held a One Team week of Action – between 5-9 June to celebrate NHS support staff and all the hard work they do.

UNISON asked all health branches to plan an event sometime that week around the theme “Ask me about my job” to engage with members and help raise awareness about the great work support staff do. 

The recent briefing for more information can be found HERE or there is more information on our 'Campaigns Page' 



Saturday 10th June saw the National Demonstration for Freedom & Justice for Palestine




Trade Unions and Globalisation


This short course is targeted at officials, reps and activists who will benefit from a deeper understanding of the links between economic and trade union history to assist in the development of responses to the issues facing trade unions today. The course will look at the Keynesian approach to the ‘Great Depression’ with the ‘New Deal’ and the creation of the ‘Welfare State’, and rise of neoliberalism and ‘globalisation’ in response and their impact on unions and the workplace. The course will also cover:

The latest Homecare Newsletter is available by clicking below 



On Monday 5 June UNISON NI held a hustings for it's members and branches. 

The political panel consisted of:

  • Steve Aiken Ulster Unionist Party 
  • Tim Attwood Social Democratic and Labour Party 
  • Stewart Dickson Alliance Party 
  • Linda Dillon Sinn Fein 
  • Shaun Harkin People Before Profit 
  • Tanya Jones Green Party 
  • Lily Kerr Workers Party 


UNISON Demonstration Against Cuts to Bryson Care Workers’ Terms & Conditions in Belfast and Derry/Londonderry

31 May 2017 – for immediate release

On Friday 26 May 2017 the campaign group 'WOMEN AGAINST STATE PENSION INEQUALITY' known as WASPI day of action will be meeting at Belfast City Hall tomorrow at 11am. 

The WASPI group hope to be meeting with MLAs and MPs regarding the need for women to be seen as equals. 

UNISON retired members and organisers will be supporting the WASPI campaign tomorrow. 

For more information on the campaign please see the WASPI website HERE


Responding to the terror attack at Manchester Arena, UNISON general secretary Dave Prentis said:

“This was a despicable act designed to cause maximum pain and suffering. It’s barbaric beyond words that this happened at a concert attended by so many children and young people.

“Our thoughts and prayers are with all those affected including the wounded, those searching for loved ones, and those grieving a terrible loss.

The UNISON National Young Members Weekend took place 12th -14th May in Newcastle upon Tyne.

The Northern Ireland region was represented by 10 of our young members including Sinead Liddy who is the chairperson for the National Young Members Forum. This is the 1st year Northern Ireland had 10 young members attend the weekend, seven of which had never attended before.

During the course of the weekend each region Young Members work together to design a campaign on issues that affect Young Members in their own region.
