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It is with great sadness that we report the death of our much loved friend and comrade Denis Keatings, Joint Regional Convenor of UNISON NI. He will be greatly missed by generations of UNISON members whose causes he championed throughout his entire working life.

UNISON notes the statement by the Minister of Health, Robin Swann MLA, which recognises the concerns of our members working in care homes on low pay, poor terms and conditions and inadequate sick pay, particularly during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Tonight at 8pm the public is being asked to show its support for UNISON members and all those working in frontline public services responding to the Covid-19 pandemic. The public should join in a mass round of applause at 8pm while staying in their homes.

During the week beginning 11 May 2020, UNISON NI will be celebrating the work that all our health and social care workers (including amongst many others nurses, midwives, nursing assistants, carers, homecare workers, social workers, porters, administrative staff, cleaners, caretakers, laundry and catering staff) are doing to make sure patients, service users and their families get the best treatment, care and support possible.

Tonight at 8pm the public is being asked to show its support for UNISON members and all those working in frontline public and private care services responding to the Covid-19 pandemic. The public should join in a mass round of applause at 8pm while staying in their homes.

Tonight at 8pm the public is being asked to show its support for UNISON members and all those working in frontline public services responding to the Covid-19 pandemic. The public should join in a mass round of applause at 8pm while staying in their homes.

Covid 19 – Working through this together - A practical guide to making workplaces safer.

For several years UNISON has been highlighting the low pay conditions endured by many workers in the private care sector. We have given evidence to a multitude of reviews. As a result, the exploitation of this workforce has been recognized but no action has been taken to remedy it.

UNISON has been lobbying to have NISCC fees waived completely for the period of the pandemic.

We have successfully managed to have fees deferred until October 1st.

Payment of Annual Increment for Staff Employed on NJC Terms and Conditions of Service
