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Workers Memorial Day 2020 is like no other, as frontline workers face unprecedented risks in carrying out their jobs.

Heartbreakingly, we also know that many workers have already lost their lives and we know that there will be others.

This year, to mark Workers Memorial Day, UNISON will be leading a National Minutes Silence with our colleagues in RCN and RCM. The minutes silence will be held at 11am on Tuesday 28th April 2020.

Tonight at 8pm the public is being asked to show its support for UNISON members and all those working in frontline public services responding to the Covid-19 pandemic. The public should join in a mass round of applause at 8pm while staying in their homes.

Anne Speed lead negotiator for Health Trade Unions has stated that discussions on Public Health Service staff  providing support to the clients and residents in private sector homes are underway but not yet concluded .

We are currently engaged with the Department of Health on this proposition and will issue a formal statement when this is completed.

The Equality Coalition is a broad alliance of 90 civil society organisations and trade unions in Northern Ireland that collectively campaign to promote equality. The Coalition is jointly convened by UNISON and the Committee on the Administration of Justice (CAJ). It provides a forum for unity between multiple sectors when campaigning for equality, while still allowing for the diversity of its members’ work and views.

UNISON notes with serious concern guidance published by Public Health England (17th April) on PPE shortages and the reuse of PPE.

Today (18th April) UNISON is calling for an immediate programme of testing to be implemented for residents and staff across care homes. This follows the publication of data by NISRA indicating that 26% of deaths involving Covid-19 have occurred in care homes and hospices. UNISON Regional Secretary Patricia McKeown said:

‘‘Following the release of this data it is becoming clearer that emergency action must be taken by the Northern Ireland Health service.


Today (16th April) UNISON is demanding that health and social care authorities in Northern Ireland take immediate action to address alarming issues and prevent the spread of Covid-19 across care homes, residential homes and when care is provided to people in their own homes. UNISON Regional Secretary, Patricia McKeown said:


Are you a health or social care worker concerned about Covid-19? 

Health and social care employers have released an updated questions and answers guide for all workers. UNISON is regularly asking for these to be updated to answer questions and concerns that our members raise with us:

Tonight at 8pm the public is being asked to show its support for UNISON members and all those working in frontline public services responding to the Covid-19 pandemic. The public should join in a mass round of applause at 8pm while staying in their homes.
