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Statement from Patricia McKeown, Regional Secretary

Everyone across the country is being urged to join a mass round of applause later today (Thursday, 8pm) for NHS and care staff in a campaign backed by UNISON.

UNISON general secretary Dave Prentis said: “The Clap for Our Carers initiative is a chance to thank all employees who are working around the clock to treat people affected by coronavirus.

Guidance from World Health Organization on personal protective equipment to staff working with Covid-19 Patients .

UNISON have raised concerns with the Chief Medical Officer and NI Executive regarding inadequate or lack of PPE for our members.

You can download the WHO Guidance Document here 


Updated advice for pregnant healthcare workers and employers during the coronavirus outbreak from the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, the Royal College of Midwives, and the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, with input from the Royal College of Anaesthetists and the Obstetric Anaesthetists’ Association.

We want to thank you for your amazing response to this current crisis and the dedication, courage and commitment you continue to show in extremely challenging circumstances. Like millions of others we know that our health and the health of our families is safe in your hands - and that knowledge is a source of comfort to many as this situation develops.

We want to reassure you that your union is continuing to work hard on your behalf to ensure that everything is being done to help you while you deal with this crisis.

We know that our members working in health and social services are at the front line in dealing with the Covid 19 emergency. We know that pressures in the acute and community sectors are building.

In a fast moving situation UNISON is pursuing key issues for our members including the provision of PPE, advice for pregnant workers, redeployment and access to childcare for essential staff as part of the planning by EA and the Department of Education.

To all members working in Education and in school settings.

Dear Members

We are all operating in a fast moving and fluid situation.

We understand that you have a number of unanswered questions on how school closures will unfold over the next week and how the Department of Education and EA intend to support child care for essential workers substantially in the health service.

An initial briefing alongside teaching unions, from the Education Minister and Department officials on the transition to school closure from next week

As the COVID-19 virus spreads, find out what your rights at work are if taking sick leave or self-isolating.

We have received an increasing number of enquiries on what employers – and members – should do to minimise the risk of infection at this worrying time.

The issues and risks will vary depending on the sector you are working in, so UNISON has been proactive in negotiating jointly agreed advice in a number of sectors.

Health Trade unions note the decision by NIPSA to suspend industrial action..Action short of strike in social services.
