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Delegates attending the Council of the Isles in London today, held up messages of support for NHS workers in Northern Ireland. 

The delegates from England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland called for pay parity for NHS workers in Northern Ireland and sent messages of solidarity for the ongoing industrial action ballot.

The ballot closes on Monday 11th November at 10am and workers are urged to post their ballot papers back by Friday 8th November. 


NIC ICTU has launched an online survey to gather the experiences of trade union members who have experienced sexual harassment in work.

UNISON notes the announcement today by the Department of Finance on the setting of public sector pay policy for 2019/20. 

Today Westminster is debating the Northern Ireland Budget Bill setting funding for public services.

Commenting on the Westminster debate on the Budget Bill, UNISON Head of Bargaining and Representation, Anne Speed said:

“UNISON members in health and social services are currently being balloted for industrial action and actions short of strike due to the growing pay deficit between workers in Northern Ireland and other parts of the NHS.

UNISON members across the Health Service in Northern Ireland launched their call to action displayed on Billboards and at Bus Shelters across the region, urging members to cast their votes in the ballots on industrial action that landed through their letterboxes from the middle of last week.

There are two questions being put to health workers: will you strike and will you take action short of strike in our campaign to secure a fair pay uplift, as given to other NHS workers in England Scotland and Wales.

On the day of decriminalisation of abortion and introduction of same sex marriage, the Irish Congress of Trade Unions commends campaigners.

Speaking on the day of the introduction of same sex marriage and decriminalisation of abortion, Clare Moore, Equality Officer with the ICTU said:

UNISON, the largest union within the health system in Northern Ireland, start today (21st October) to ballot our members for the next 3 weeks on taking industrial action and action short of strike.

Commenting on the new Brexit deal announced today (Thursday), UNISON general secretary Dave Prentis said:

“This deal isn’t a step forward, it’s a huge leap backwards. It would risk every workplace right and leave public services exposed and vulnerable.

“The only quick free trade deals to be had would involve the UK paying a heavy price, with the US only interested if the NHS were handed over lock, stock and barrel.

Regional secretary Patricia McKeown, the staff and members of UNISON, deeply regret the death of our dedicated union activist and good friend Artie Dundas.

It was a case of standing room only at the industrial action meeting organised by the UCHT Branch on Friday 11th October.

Members spilled out of the doors at the Ulster Hospital Lecture Theatre as they turned up to find out about UNISONs impending industrial action ballot. 
