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There was no justice at The Royal Court of Justice for the 1950’s born women on Thursday October 4th as, despite all indications, the Back to 60 Judicial Review was lost.

UNISON General Secretary Dave Prentis comments on the High Court pension judgement.

UNISON have started preparations to ballot our members in health calling for strike action and action short of strike.

Find out what UNISON has been campaigning on in education, upcoming events and information about the NJC pay claim.

You can read the UNISON in Schools Education newsletter here

Commenting on the Supreme Court ruling today (Tuesday) that the decision to suspend Parliament was unlawful, UNISON general secretary Dave Prentis said:

“A man who thinks he’s above the law is a man not fit to be Prime Minister.

"WHAT DO WE WANT? FAIR PAY, WHEN DO WE WANT IT? NOW!" were the calls from UNISON Craigavon Hospitals Branch activists yesterday evening.

“System change not climate change” was The clarion call on Friday afternoon when young and old gathered in Belfast from all over Northern Ireland to support the climate strike and try to put pressure on our leaders and decision makers to save our planet before it is too late.

The UK’s biggest union launches its first Green UNISON Week – here’s how you can help green your office

UNISON Causeway branch braved the rough seas to visit the Nurse and two Care Assistants who work on Rathlin Island. 

Download the UNISON response to the consultation on reshaping breast assessment services. 
